Santa’s Day Job
By Greg Oliver; Illustrated by Katherine Olenic
In Santa’s Day Job, a young girl wonders what Santa Claus does the rest of the year. Her musings will surprise you!
This is my second book for children, Santa’s Day Job. For it, I’ve teamed with illustrator Katherine Olenic. It has been cookin’ since not long after Duck with the Puck came out.
An illustrator for children’s books and comics, Katherine Olenic lives at the corner of No and Where in rural Ontario. Katherine is mostly known for having her head down drawing in a sketch book or on a friend’s arm. You can find more out about Katherine, and her art at
Going to Homer Watson House & Gallery on Sunday, December 4, 2022, was a lot of fun, and I got to read my kids books to a bunch of eager listeners. But the highlight was finally getting to meet the illustrator of Santa’s Day Job, Katherine Olenic, in person for the first time!

Katherine and Greg. Photo by Celia Vernal

Greg signs for a young reader. Photo by Celia Vernal

In January 2019, I was invited to speak to a kindergarten class at King George Public School in Toronto. We talked about Santa Claus, and what they think he must do the rest of the year, and then I read Santa’s Day Job and then Duck with the Puck to them. I’m open to author visits, just email me at